Choose Wisely is a free to use price comparison website that lets you compare an extensive range of personal finance products. A user compares products based on the best value for their personal circumstances.
Built in a way that is quick and simple to use, Choose Wisely’s website takes the stress out of trying to figure out which is the best product. The table designs are easy to understand and products are represented fairly. They also make sure to speak in plain English, avoiding financial jargon.
What they wanted
Choose Wisely were looking to partner with PPC experts in order to increase leads for particular financial products. To begin with, these were Unsecured Loans and Secured Loans.
They had been running their own PPC campaigns but with limited success. They had seen some leads come through PPC but the CPA (cost per acquisition) was not low enough to sustain the PPC activity. They required an experienced PPC expert who could increase lead numbers but also generate these leads for a specified target CPA.
On taking over the account, we needed to increase general user awareness of the comparison site whilst ensuring traffic was directed to the relevant section, and at all times, ensure a great user experience.
How we delivered
We created new, fresh ad copy that not only attracted relevant users through to the website but also met certain editorial criteria due to the regulated nature of this industry.
We reviewed all active keywords and match types to ensure that we were attracting the correct traffic before implementing more advanced features such as Ad Extensions, Ad Scheduling, Device and Geographical bid modifiers.
Below is a summary of the account optimisation which helped deliver such great results for Choose Wisely.
- Existing AdWords account review
- Keyword research and overhaul of existing selections
- Negative keyword expansion
- New ad copy
- Ad scheduling implementation
- New bidding strategy
- Device bid modifiers
- Geo-Targeting bid modifiers
- Plus much more
The Results
Once we had the correct account structure in place, we started to look at our current bidding strategy and tweaked this to deliver optimal performance. Our goal was to really drive down the CPA, whilst simultaneously, deliver more leads for the client. The results were impressive.
CPA (cost per acquisition) decreased by 65%
Lead volume increased by 710%
Conversion rate increased by 24%
PPC management is an on-going process where we constantly review performance, making bid amendments and keyword tweaks to ensure that we were delivering an optimal performance for both client and end user.
After initial great results with both Secured and Unsecured Loans, we were asked to take over the management of their Pay Day Loans arm of the business. We’re already starting to see some great results and expect more to follow.