Meet The Team – Claudia

Introducing the newest member of the Circus PPC team, Claudia!
Name: Claudia Morris
Date Started at Circus: November 2021
What first made you want to pursue a career in PPC?
I was already in the marketing world but having seen the benefits of using PPC campaigns and how immediate the effect on a company’s success could be, I wanted to get involved.
What’s your favourite thing about working at Circus?
A mixture between the weekly Nandos and the office pups.
Who is your dream client?
I think my dream client would be company like Tails or Itch – they’re both dog focused (winner!) and they provide something new and fun in the doggy market.
If you could solve one PPC issue forever, what would it be?
For search terms to magically work out if they need to be a negative or not.
What’s your dream holiday destination?
Japan for the culture and America for the food.
What would be your desert island meal?
Salt & pepper chips, and veggie curry.
Tell us something about you that might surprise people.
According to Google I’m the height of an average 12 year old.
If you could guest star on a TV show, which one would it be and why?
The Office – because no office has ever had so much drama!
Home or Office?
Morning or Evening?
Dog or Cat?
Countryside or City?
Spender or Saver?
Coffee or Tea?
Summer or Winter?
Missed the last ‘meet the team’ profile on our PPC Executive, Chloe? Read it here!