Meet The Team – Rick

Ever wondered what an agency leader’s favourite food is? Wonder no more! Meet Rick, Founder and Managing Director of Circus – which he started as a one-man consultancy all the way back in 2009!
Get to know Rick here…

Name: Rick Tobin
Date Started at Circus: October 2009
What first made you want to pursue a career in PPC?
I love technology, the internet and marketing, and as a self-confessed geek PPC seemed like the perfect match for me!
What’s your favourite thing about working at Circus?
I love the variety in my role. One day I’m working on spreadsheets, the next with clients, the next with the team. I like meeting new people, networking, sales & spreading the great word of Circus and its amazing team. Great people, great clients and lots of opportunity to develop myself and the agency.
Who is your dream client?
Clients with big ambitions and a sense of purpose, ones that have the data and are willing to test, develop and grow.
If you could solve one PPC issue forever, what would it be?
Offline conversions. The tech and procedures are there but many clients find it clunky and just don’t use it.
What’s your dream holiday destination?
Like most people I love a good chill combined with a touch of culture, so somewhere that offers both like Italy, Greece, or South America.
What would your desert island meal be?
I love to eat fine food, go to the most celebrated of restaurants – quality over quantity, that’s me! So, I would have to say… Greggs sausage rolls – they are my kryptonite!
Tell us something about you that might surprise people.
My life is pretty much an open book and I doubt anything would surprise the people that know me. Maybe that I appeared on the inside of a CD cover (remember those?) dancing at the love parade in Leeds, dressed as an alien with a shaved green head… nope – probably wouldn’t surprise anyone!
If you could guest star on a TV show, which one would it be and why?
I would love to be an extra on Game of Thrones or Rings of Power (or something similar), as a random fighter in a HUGE battle getting my head, leg, or arm chopped off. I would maximise the life out of that role… nobody would die bigger, louder, or more dramatically than me!
Home or Office?
I can’t choose, I like both!
Morning or Evening?
Morning – no afternoon meetings for me.
Dog or Cat?
Dog – Teddy would kill me if I said anything else.
Countryside or City?
Countryside – cow pats over city rats!
Spender or Saver?
Ah crap, yeah, spender for sure.
Coffee or Tea?
Coffee – wake up juice!
Summer or Winter?
Summer – not a fan of the cold.