Meet The Team – Mo

Mo joined the team in September 2023 – get to know more about him here….

Name: Mo Ibrahim
Date Started at Circus: September 2023

What first made you want to pursue a career in PPC?
I got into PPC because it’s like a digital puzzle I enjoy solving. When I realised how you can use it to reach the right people at the right time and measure the impact instantly, I was hooked. It combines my creative side with data crunching, making it a perfect fit for me. 

What’s your favourite thing about working at Circus?
The ever-changing digital ad world keeps things interesting, and I get to work with a great team who I can bounce ideas from. 

Who is your dream client?
I like my sports cars, so I’d happily take Lamborghini or Porsche as a client. 

If you could solve one PPC issue forever, what would it be?
It would definitely be click fraud – putting an end to those budget-draining clicks. 

What’s your dream holiday destination?
It’s hard to pick just one, but I’m a fan of the sun and palm trees. Any tropical island would do just fine!  

What would your desert island meal be?
You can never go wrong with a bucket of fried chicken along with a large Kinder Bueno milkshake. 

Tell us something about you that might surprise people.
One surprising thing about me is that I’m cross-dominant, which means I use both my left and right hands quite comfortably. 

If you could guest star on a TV show, which one would it be and why?
Power – I mean, who wouldn’t want to be a wealthy nightclub owner in New York? Sounds like a right laugh! 

Home or Office?

Morning or Evening?

Dog or Cat?

Countryside or City?

Spender or Saver?

Coffee or Tea?

Summer or Winter?

William Cheng
Operations Director

Highly dedicated and experienced director working with large international brands, goal focused and data driven analyst.

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