How to Boost Black Friday and Cyber Monday Sales

Remember the pre-smartphone days when Black Friday (and to a degree, Cyber Monday) were all about who has a better elbowing technique in stores? That sense of accomplishment when you managed to snatch up that last discounted TV from under your neighbour’s nose in the local appliances shop? That’s what Black Friday is still all about: the experience, the rush, and the sense of urgency.

In today’s online world, not much has changed. No, you can’t push Uncle Bob out the way to grab that toaster your Auntie has been dreaming of – but you can use a special discount code first. To entice such behaviour, a carefully created digital marketing strategy is crucial.

Black Friday and Cyber Monday are the two days ahead of Christmas that can make or break a retailer’s year. That is why it’s crucial that you have a pay-per-click strategy in place, and are ready for the spike in traffic on those particular days.

While all channels of digital marketing contribute to success, paid search is the most reactive of all of them and therefore particular attention should be paid to what can be achieved with a carefully and well-crafted PPC strategy.

Therefore, we’ve prepared a short guide on how to make the most out of the pre-Christmas sales. Remember, your competitors are doing it – and so should you!

[pdf-embedder url=”” title=”Circus PPC guide for Black Friday – Website version”]


Ahmed Chopdat
Commercial Director

An expert in high volume, highly competitive markets with a keen eye for trends, motivated by client profitability and success.

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