Google Partners: Game On Celebration

Like all Google Partners celebrations the latest Game On Celebration was a party not to be missed by anyone in the industry. With an opportunity to network with the biggest movers and shakers in PPC and some very inspiring talks to start the day; ending with a whole bunch of games and entertainment with food and drinks galore, who could possibly complain?
Circus were honoured to be invited as one of their Premier Google Partners and recognised for achieving key goals over the last year.
In Google’s New Kings Cross Office is where the Google Partners met. The view from the top is quite pleasant.

Following the welcome drinks and snacks and a bit of networking, there was a welcome speech by Caroline Halpin (Head of Google Partners UKI).

Caroline was followed by the keynote speaker Suzanne Claassen (Head of Agency GMS at Google) talking about the agency of the future and how to plan to be the agency of the future. She talked about how one person will envisage what the agency of the future is will not be the same as another. What one person might see as client growth might also be different to another (e.g. client spend growing vs more clients). The goals therefore need to be identified very critically.

There was also an agency panel who talked about what leads to their success. No secrets here but good to be reminded again. They talked about internal client reviews, client communication being key and always put the clients first (all of which we at Circus are proud to say we do quite well).

This was followed by a small handful of awards. The winners of which worked very hard to achieve what they did achieve and a big congratulations to all the Game On awards winners.
This ended the respectable portion of the evening and on to the partying and networking.
Google laid on a bunch of entertainment from under-the-sea virtual reality headsets to mini golf (all 9 holes). There was a live DJ, cocktails, a 3D photo booth and a ball pit to go fishing. Some photos below.

All this accompanied with plenty of food and drinks and networking.

Thanks for inviting us Google and we hope to be there again next year.
If you would like to speak to a Premier Google Partner about your biddable media activity please do get in touch.
Written by Ahmed Chopdat PPC Director at Circus PPC Agency