Automated Imports: Schedule Imports From AdWords To Bing

Bing Ads have recently launched Automated Imports which allows you to automatically import your Google AdWords campaigns into Bing Ads. This can be scheduled to run daily, weekly or monthly.
Every time we add new campaigns, keywords or ads into AdWords, we then have to also apply those same changes to our Bing Ads account.
Bing Ads already had an Import Campaigns feature so we didn’t have to build the new campaigns from scratch, however, we still had to manually run the import every time.
The new Automated Imports feature is a supercharged version of this and a brilliant time saver so that you can have more time to focus on optimisation.
Below is a step-by-step guide on how to set this up:
Import From Google AdWords
First, sign in to your Google AdWords account.
Then, choose to import all existing and new campaigns from your AdWords account or just specific campaigns from that account.
Check Your Import Preferences
- Choose the Bing Ads account where you want to import.
- Decide what to import: new campaigns or changes to existing campaigns.
- Clean up your campaigns by deleting items that have been removed from Google.
- Make adjustments to bids, budgets, URLs and any tracking templates.
- Link your ad extensions and/or Bing Merchant Center to your Bing Ads accounts.
Schedule Your Imports
Choose when you want to import your AdWords data into your Bing Ads account.
Choose How Often To Import
Option 1: Once
Option 2: Daily
Option 3: Weekly
Option 4: Monthly
Review Your Import Summary
The Import Summary confirms that your import has been scheduled, when it will run and how often it will sync.
Manage Your Scheduled Imports
You can view and edit your currently scheduled imports and also pause, enable and delete them at any time.
Review Your Import History
You can examine all your automated and ad-hoc imports and also download an error file of imports that may have failed.
If you would like help managing your PPC campaigns on AdWords & Bing then please get in touch for a free account review.
Written by William Cheng PPC Director at Circus PPC Agency