Our friends at Optify have recently compiled a report into Online Marketing in the B2B world. The report (attached) looks at which sources drive the most traffic and where the quality sales traffic comes from.

The report shows that organic and social are driving most of the traffic (organic is on-going as social is becoming increasingly important) but PPC is playing a huge role in driving the quality, lead generation traffic.

The report also tells us how many B2B businesses have stopped using PPC as a mechanism to drive traffic. This begs the question as to how many have simply been miss-managed? Businesses using a quality, reputable and honest PPC agency like Circus would be getting the right results.

So, here’s what we took away from the report. Use social media to generate interest based traffic, use Twitter, don’t forget email marketing, and CERTAINLY use PPC. If you’re a B2B business and have unsuccessfully tried PPC before then give us a call today and we can show you exactly how it should be done.


Rick Tobin | Manging Director | Circus PPC Agency

Rick Tobin
Chief Executive Officer

Over 20 years dedicated PPC experience working with some of the world's biggest brands.

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